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Buy HYPERLABS INC Products Online
HYPERLABS has been building better test and measurement technology, including baluns, TDRs, impulse generators, and high-spe...
HYPERLABS has been building better test and measurement technology, including baluns, TDRs, impulse generators, and high-speed samplers more accessible and more affordable since 1992. Before we came along, test and measurement equipment was bulky, power-hungry, and prohibitively expensive. HYPERLABS changed that by introducing a line of high-performance time domain reflectometer instruments that ran on regular Windows PCs, eliminating the need for benchtop test stations. By removing unnecessary hardware and software, HYPERLABS was able to offer high-quality solutions for a fraction of the competition’s prices. In 2005, HYPERLABS changed the game again by designing the first USB-powered and -controlled TDRs. These instruments, which turn any PC into a versatile test and measurement station, have proven so popular that all of our instruments are now USB-based. Today, our line of TDRs and other test and measurement instruments continue to provide cutting-edge performance, unmatched ease-of-use, and unparalleled value. Continuing in this tradition, in 2012 HYPERLABS introduced its line of high-performance components, which includes broadband baluns, ultrafast samplers and harmonic mixers, DC block capacitors, bias tees, and more. These components show HYPERLABS’ commitment to performance and value. Our baluns and samplers in particular outperform the competition while costing significantly less. In our first 22 years, we have worked to make advanced test and measurement technology more accessible and more affordable. But we’re not stopping there. Our mantra is Innovation at Hyperspeed™, and that mission never ends. Every day, we’re imagining new ways to make test and measurement cheaper, easier, and more intuitive.Improving the Test and Measurement Experience
The World’s First USB-based TDRs
Building Better Components
The Innovation Never Ends