Time Interval Analyzer - TIAs are the most powerful type of time measurement instruments. In addition to the functions provided by traditional “frequency counters”, “time interval counters” and “universal counters&...
Time Interval Analyzer - TIAs are the most powerful type of time measurement instruments. In addition to the functions provided by traditional “frequency counters”, “time interval counters” and “universal counters”, TIAs include new functions, run at a much higher rate, provide a continuous measurement capability, and report results together with their time of occurrence. These capabilities give you much more insight into the dynamic nature of your signal and much higher throughput.
This difference in capability is similar to the difference between voltmeters and oscilloscopes. Although both voltmeters and scopes measure the voltage of a signal, the scope provides much faster sampling and displays the results vs. time. For example, the voltmeter may be able to make 1000 measurements per second, which you can log with a computer. You may also log the time of occurrence of each measurement and display a plot of
voltage vs. time. This plot looks a lot like an oscilloscope display but it only works for signals with very slow voltage variations. The scope on the other hand can sample the voltage at gigahertz rates and displays a plot of these samples vs. time. It therefore provides much more insight into the variations in the signal.
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